The secret of our success: flexibility, patience and hard work

We are celebrating ten years of MeeMaken. How? By letting one of the 13 MeeMaken companies share their experiences each month. This month, we speak with Managing Partner Boy Ramirez Verhoeven and Recruitment Consultant Daliuska Malpica of Topshore about the key term ‘patience’. ‘We have learned to appreciate patience and refine it in our work.’

Topshore is a young company. How does patience fit into your operations?

‘We were founded as a recruitment agency by MeeMaken and the Westerduin Group – an organization in the job placement business,’ Boy explains. ‘We focus on highly skilled people in the mechanical, maritime, and sustainable sectors, among others – so a perfect match for the MeeMaken companies. In the year we were established, 2019, there were already shortages in the labor market and there was a need for companies like ours to fill vacancies. Initially, we focused on recruiting international candidates, which was working well thanks to MeeMaken’s connections with several Spanish universities and industry associations.

However, shortly after we were founded, the COVID pandemic started, and international recruiting was really no longer an option at that point.’ Daliuska adds: ‘That’s when the company’s patience was severely tested. Travelling for job applications became difficult and many vacancies were temporarily put on hold. Very inconvenient. It did, however, afford us some time to patiently renew our approach.’

What did this patient approach bring you?

‘During that period, we took on recruitment-related projects with partners,’ says Boy. ‘For example, we redeployed 150 employees in an internal mobility project and supervised outplacement programs. Through this process, we reshaped Topshore and became the ‘Recruitment+’ agency we are today. Our perseverance and patience paid off.’

Topshore differs from the average agency not just in its new ways of working but also in its attitude. Daliuska explains: ‘Traditionally, the recruitment market has been focused on targets. We also work with objectives like that, but we place less emphasis on them. Our approach is more about building lasting relationships, just that extra step. We are operating in a sector where professionals are highly sought-after, and we mainly interact with latent jobseekers who are already employed. A strong relationship and patience are needed in order to motivate them. By getting to know our candidates well and understanding their goals, we can advise them effectively on any new career move and support them personally throughout the recruitment process.’ Boy agrees: ‘Our patient approach is not unique, but we have really honed it in our work. The long-term relationships we build with both our clients and the candidates are very valuable.’

“We have learned to appreciate patience and refine it in our work.”

Do you also work patiently together within the MeeMaken group?

‘With the MeeMaken companies, we have the advantage of knowing them really well,’ says Boy. ‘We speak to each other regularly, so we know each other on more of a personal level and we also understand the culture and way of working. We have the knowledge and experience and they come to us when they have questions about vacancies. That’s another way of working patiently.’

Daliuska adds: ‘We also offer sister companies a number of services in order to assist them in attracting the best candidates. For example, with the outsourcing of the recruitment process, where we manage the entire recruitment process. We also delve into employer branding projects, which involve  developing an image that appeals to potential candidates and attracts the best talent. Currently we do this as a MeeMaken  company, but of course we could do it for other companies as well!’

Boy Ramirez Verhoeven

How do you see the future?

Boy: ‘We have three big plans for the future. First, we want to grow as an agency. We already did that last year, and we want to continue doing so. On top of that, we want to continue developing into a top player in the technical recruitment industry by serving more sectors and offering more of our recruitment services and recruitment marketing. Furthermore, we also want to become more sustainable. Sustainable operations and sustainability are top priorities at MeeMaken. We are keen to play our part by doing more with and for our current relations in the renewable energy industry, such  as offshore wind and solar energy.’

Daliuska: ‘We are also improving our own employer brand and visibility. One aspect of this is showing online who  we are and what we stand for as an organization. We want our potential candidates and clients to know that we are more than just a recruitment  agency. Moreover, we believe the key elements of our brand will play an important role in our growth and take us to the next level.’

Daliuska Malpica

So, will you continue to work patiently?

‘Sure!’ says Daliuska. ‘Patience can make the difference for us between whether a vacancy is filled or not. We can see that it  works. By spending time with candidates, brainstorming with  them and understanding their interests and needs, we can build on mutual respect and trust. This approach means we can  continue to make the best matches.’

Boy: ‘Changing jobs is never an entirely rational choice. It also involves emotion. It is a  complex and emotional decision for which many factors need to  be considered. At Topshore, we understand the impact of such a  decision and we approach the recruitment process with patience  and empathy. We are aware of the obstacles involved and are  committed to guiding candidates through the process with care and understanding. We will continue to do so in the future.’

“Patience can make the difference between whether a vacancy is filled or not. We can see that it works.”